quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012
quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2012
CNA DOWNTOWN: 3234-1793 CNA BOULEVARD: 3234-1748
segunda-feira, 17 de setembro de 2012
Data: 10 de Outubro de 2012
Valor Promocional: R$ 180,00 (em 2X )
Vagas Limitadas
Garanta já seu lugar. Ou você vai querer ficar fora dessa??
Informações ou dúvidas:
Unidade 1: Unidade 2:
CNA DOWNTOWN: 3234-1739 CNA BOULEVARD: 3234-1748
domingo, 16 de setembro de 2012
TEL: (17) 3234-1739
sábado, 15 de setembro de 2012
Segue o link do youtube do canal da TV CNA.
Para quem já conhece, uma maneira de rever os programas exibidos.
E para aqueles que ainda não conhecem, o programa é exibido pelo canal 16, 3 X por semana:
quarta-feira- 21h30
sexta-feira- -21h45
Domingo- 19h30.
http://www.youtube.com/user/CNAsjrp?feature=watch — com Leandro Zuanazzi e 12 outros.
Para quem já conhece, uma maneira de rever os programas exibidos.
E para aqueles que ainda não conhecem, o programa é exibido pelo canal 16, 3 X por semana:
quarta-feira- 21h30
sexta-feira- -21h45
Domingo- 19h30.
http://www.youtube.com/user/CNAsjrp?feature=watch — com Leandro Zuanazzi e 12 outros.
sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2012
"O segredo de um grande sucesso está no trabalho de uma grande equipe!!!"
"Eu sou parte de uma equipe. Então, quando venço, não sou eu apenas quem vence. De certa forma termino o trabalho de um grupo enorme de pessoas"
"Em equipe anulamos o individualismo"
"Enquanto estiver em uma equipe, siga o exemplo de seus dedos e lembre-se de que eles não fariam nada sozinhos."
"Por trás de um grande sucesso existe sempre uma grande equipe."
"Liderança é o processo de conduzir um grupo de pessoas, transformando-o numa equipe que gera resultados."
CNA DOWNTOWN: Motivação, parceria, trabalho em equipe
...Afinal, uma vez alguém disse:
"Arrume um trabalho de que gostes, e não terás que trabalhar nem um dia da tua vida!!"
quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2012
Sleep Over 2012
Sleep Over
é um evento anual, onde os aluos da CNA Rio Preto se reúnem para uma série de atividades, voltado a algum tema inglês durante a noite na escola e assim passando a noite na mesma.
é um evento anual, onde os aluos da CNA Rio Preto se reúnem para uma série de atividades, voltado a algum tema inglês durante a noite na escola e assim passando a noite na mesma.
O tema deste ano foi Harry Potter.
Informações ou dúvidas:
Unidade Downtown: 3234-1739
Unidade Boulevard: 3234-1748
E foi através desses obstáculos, que aprendemos e fizemos juntos nossa missão como escola de idiomas, que é transformar os sonhos de nossos alunos e equipe em orgulho e sucesso, e praticar os seguintes valores:
- Ética
- Inovação
- Responsabilidade Social
- Respeito
- Confiança e Credibilidade
É por isso que o CNA Rio Preto chegou ao topo.
Estamos há 18 anos buscando sempre o melhor para oferecer a vocês. Obstáculos? Sim, enfrentamos ao longo desse tempo, mas foi através deles que construímos nosso castelo!!! (e que castelo!!!)
E chegamos ao topo!
terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2012
Christopher Hirst pays tribute to one of Britain's most important chefs ...
With the death of Rose Gray at the age of 71 on February 28th, British gastronomy has lost one of its most influential figures. An expert on Italian food since living in rural Tuscany in the early 1980s, she preached a gospel of simple, authentic cooking. From 1987, she ran the River Café in Hammersmith with her friend Ruth Rogers. It is hard to imagine many male chefs maintaining such a close and harmonious partnership as these two dedicated and energetic women.
Though the sun-lit, minimalist premises are adjacent to Richard Rogers Partnership, the architecture offices of Lord Rogers, Mrs Rogers's husband, the River Café was never intended, as many believe, to be an upmarket staff canteen. It was a restaurant from the start—and an ambitiously different one at that. If you were ever lucky enough to dine there, chances are that you will have seen a tall, slender blonde scrutinising activities in the gleaming open-plan kitchen. Occasionally she would dart forward to adjust a frond of rocket or check the liquidity of a risotto.
Rose Gray was like a heron surveying a lake for its breakfast carp, a picture of calm, elegance and total concentration. She insisted on the highest standards of excellence in often simple Italian dishes. As a result, the River Café emerged as the leading training ground for many of Britain’s most accomplished chefs. Its most famous alumni are Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, but the list includes Samuel and Samantha Clark of Moro, Theo Randall of the InterContinental Park Lane, Arthur Potts Dawson of Acorn House and Allegra McEvedy of Leon.
Simon Hopkinson, a food writer and former chef at Bibendum, describes Rose as "A rare cook amongst chefs." He first met her at the River Café in 1988: “I was still chef at Bibendum. She said hello, which was then swiftly followed by words to this effect: 'We came to Bibendum the other night and your risotto was quite incorrect.' And she was right, of course—and then we got it right."
Despite its hard-to-find location among the terraces of riverside Hammersmith, the restaurant was a success from the start. A well-heeled clientele ranging from politicians to pop stars eagerly ordered ribollita(a soup thickened by “reboiling”), bollito misto (mixed boiled meats) and other mainstays of Italian domestic cuisine. The calamari ai ferri con peperonci (squid with chillies grilled in a wood-fired oven) proved to be a particular favourite and took up residence on the menu. It was all very different from the general run of Italian food in London at that time, characterised by Rose as “spaghetti Bolognese and tiramisu”. The lone meat-sauce dish she and Ruth served was the Tuscan pappardelle with hare. In 1996 Adam Gopnik of the New Yorker called the River Cafe “the best Italian restaurant in Europe.”
The proprietors’ insistence on the finest, freshest-possible produce resulted in eye-watering prices. A simple dish of roast tomatoes and basil was £9. But annual trips to Italy by Ruth and Rose produced transcendental mouthfuls. The construction of a large herb garden when the restaurant expanded in 1992 helped maintain the dazzling quality. Outstanding ingredients were magnetically drawn to the kitchen. During one interview, Rose recalled the arrival of a scruffy individual who was carrying a cardboard box filled with white truffles worth thousands. A deal was done for the lot.
“It is something extraordinary when a 50-year old woman opens a restaurant that becomes one of the most important kitchen establishments in Britain," observes Jeremy Lee, head chef at Blue Print Café. "Rose was an exemplary cook—without the least bit of that TV nonsense of treating food as entertainment. She took it seriously and wanted to make eating good food a part of everyday life."
If only a wealthy few could enjoy the clean, precise flavours at the River Café, many more were able to sample them through Rose and Ruth's books. Published in 1995, "The River Café Cook Book" sold over half a million copies. It bore the women’s stamp on every page in both its uncluttered design (both had art-school backgrounds) and precise instruction. The magisterial assertion that “cavolo nerois essential for an authentic rebollita” is pure Rose Gray.
Soon after the book appeared, so did cavolo nero on the shelves of the more ambitious supermarkets. Armed with these recipes, I had gratifying results when cooking char-grilled peppers with anchovy and capers, and broccoli with anchovy and risotto made with Valpolicella. Some dishes such as panzanella (bread and tomato salad with basil) and pumpkin soup spiked with chillies have made a monthly (sometimes weekly) appearance on our table ever since the book appeared.
Not everyone adored the glamorous, bulky volumes that emerged from the River Café kitchen. In "Culinary Pleasures", a study of cookbooks, Nicola Humble insisted:
The River Café recipes are often oddly unimaginable, even for those who usually find they can ‘taste’ dishes when reading recipes. It is partly because they use curiously few ingredients and partly because the quantities are so large, suited for a restaurant rather than a home. Or maybe (whisper it) they’re just not very good at writing recipes.
Certainly the books maintained the restaurant’s reliance on excellent ingredients to produce pure and brilliant flavours. A recipe for zucchini soup in "The River Café Cook Book" pointed out that the restaurant used ridged zucchini specially grown in Suffolk. “The flavour...is so good that we make it with water instead of chicken stock.”
When "River Café Cook Book Two" was published in 1997, one critic complained that the kilo of rocket required for the rocket-and-potato soup recipe would cost almost £30, since rocket was only sold in herb packets at that time. A more telling criticism of this book is that many of the recipes, including a whole chapter on vegetables, demanded the use of the wood-fired stove known in Italy as a forno. For those fortunate enough to possess such an item, however, the results were sensational. A recipe for shoulder of pork, rubbed with chillies, fennel seeds and lemon juice, and cooked overnight in the cooling heat of a wood oven, produces meat that is unctuous in texture and profound in flavour. Pork does not come much better than this.
Their third book, "River Café Cook Book Green" (2000) maintained the twin themes of simplicity and authenticity. Peas braised with spring onions or asparagus with anchovy and milk sauce are uncomplicated dishes that reflect Rose’s devotion to seasonality, though she didn't put it that way. Indeed, she insisted on even greater timeliness, calling the River Café not "a seasonal restaurant but a month-by-month" one. Like the other books, this one gently edged readers towards culinary adventure. My great discovery was nespole (a Italian form of medlar) available from continental greengrocers. Baked with vanilla sugar, the result looked great on the plate (golden oval hemispheres singed by the heat) and delivered a memorable bittersweet tang to the palate.
The bare-bones approach of "River Café Cook Book Easy" (2003) did not affect the recipes much—they were always admirably lucid—but the quantities were scaled down to something more domestic. The infamous flour-free cake called chocolate nemesis, which was problematic when it appeared in the first River Café book, was halved in size so it became an “easy small nemesis”.
The most recent book from Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers, "The River Café Classic Cook Book", was possibly their best. “It’s got our voice in it,” Rose told Daisy Garnett of the Times. “Certainly, the voice of our ideals; our way of cooking; our relationship with all the Italians who have been so generous to both of us and The River Café.” I have been cooking from this book almost constantly since it came out last year. Insalata di polpo (boiled octopus with potatoes) was a tender triumph, by far my best rendition of this tricky cephalopod. Schiacciata, a sweet grape-laden focaccia from Tuscany, was equally successful, despite my inability to locate the Sangiovese grapes that appear in the tempting illustration. It worked so well with black table grapes that I have made it over and over again. These and other recipes will nourish discriminating palates for years to come. Rose Gray will be sorely missed, but she left a feast behind.
(Christopher Hirst is a regular contributor to Intelligent Life, a former columnist for the Independent Magazine and the author of "Love Bites: Marital Skirmishes in the Kitchen", just published by Fourth Estate.)
Picture credit: Matteo Piazza 2008 (of Rose and Ruth).
The art world no longer wonders what to make of Chris Ofili's dung-pocked canvasses. Instead, they wonder what he will make next. Melissa Goldstein surveys the work of a controversial artist in mid-career ...
The achievement is formidable: the Tate Britain has mounted the most extensive exhibition of Chris Ofili’s work to date, amid-career retrospective of the Turner-Prize-winner. It features over 40 paintings, including the artist’s most recent creations direct from his studio in Trinidad. But the truly extraordinary moment came during a press preview on January 25th, as the show's chief curator, Judith Nesbitt, catalogued the exhibition’s highlights. In measured tones, her cut-glass British voice resounded in the Tate’s hallowed rooms: “Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy”...“Shithead”...“7 Bitches Tossing Their Pussies Before the Divine Dung” she announced.
The scene fits neatly with the themes of profanity and humour that some see as central to the Manchester-born artist’s most recognisable work. Ofili's highly decorative mixed-media pieces often incorporate animal excrement, gangster-rap iconography and pornographic collage in traditionally decorative and unexpectedly beautiful ways. As one of the few black men attending the Chelsea School of Art in the late 1980s, Ofili aimed to represent the black experience in his paintings. A stylistic turning point came during an artists’ workshop in Zimbabwe. As he was casting about for a gesture that would unite his work with the landscape, Ofili settled upon a solution that was both literal and, he admits, “crass”: he placed elephant dung directly on the canvas. Ofili sought to present viewers with an aesthetic dilemma, between repulsion at the excrement and attraction to the painted beauty surrounding it. The dried faeces became his trademark, along with an orgy of other materials—glitter, resin, sequins and paint, meticulously applied in the manner of henna designs. Though Ofili's subjects are flat and occasionally cartoonish, the paintings are heavily patterned and textured, some with a surprising incandescence. His canvasses were designed to rest on the ground, neatly propped on balls of elephant dung pierced with map pins.
This complex dichotomy of brutal-yet-beautiful, or odious-yet-luminescent, can be seen throughout Ofili’s oeuvre: it’s part of his sly comic commentary on blaxploitation, such as with “The Adoration of Captain Shit and the Legend of the Black Stars”; it works its way into his study of a prostitute, as with “Blossom”, and his meditation on religion, “The Holy Virgin Mary”. That last work is Ofili’s most controversial, for the way it depicts a black Mary flanked by collaged images of female genitalia, propped on elephant dung. The painting launched a pageant of criticism led largely by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani when it was shown at the Brooklyn Museum in 1999 as part of the "Sensation" exhibition of Young British Artists. "As an altar boy, I was confused by the idea of a holy Virgin Mary giving birth to a young boy," he said in defense of his work at the time. "Now when I go to the National Gallery and see paintings of the Virgin Mary, I see how sexually charged they are. Mine is simply a hip-hop version." The shock has long since faded, but the awe has not. A centrepiece of the show at the Tate, “The Upper Room” (1999-2002, pictured above), is housed in a chapel-like structure designed by the architect David Adjaye. Though the circumstances of its acquisition were controversial (Ofili was a member of the Tate’s board of trustees at the time), its 13 luminous panels are a vision to behold. It is Ofili’s version of “The Last Supper”, with rhesus macaque monkeys rendered in a rainbow of embellishment standing in for the apostles, as a gold-hued simian Christ-figure presides over them, anointed with a gilded dung ball. Blasphemy never sparkled so seductively. Ofili's newer works are a departure. Gone is the dizzying ornamentation that created an illusion of depth. In its place are figurative, often monochromatic canvasses covered with paint alone. The effect is less Dylan goes electric than Dylan goes soft rock. His recent “blue period” pieces—paintings done entirely in slightly-varying hues of deep blue—are the most evocative. For example, “Iscariot Blues” depicts two musicians flanked by a hanging effigy of Judas, its palette intended to simulate the disorienting effect of near-darkness (pictured above). But it’s the newest works—such as “Confessions (Lady Chancellor)”, in which a stylised woman reaches for a cocktail, and “The Healer” (pictured below), featuring a wizened man vomiting a yellow substance in a composition that looks borrowed from Georgia O’Keefe—that leave us puzzled. This is perhaps because these paintings seem to resemble things we’ve seen before, quite possibly at Burning Man. They are less imaginative, and less visually interesting, too.
Ofili’s obsessively layered kaleidoscopic works tell stories. In comparison, these newer, plainer canvasses are mute. The artist has explained that his “tolerance for neutral beauty has grown”. Jackie Wullschlager, writing in theFinancial Times, says Ofili is mimicking the style of the artist's good friend Peter Doig. But Ofili's problem goes beyond an unhealthy reverence for another painter's work, Wullschlager argues. "Having devised a visual aesthetic for a key moment in the 1990s when black culture became visible and assertive," she writes, "he created works which so persuasively, even iconically, fixed the historical instant that it is difficult for him to develop beyond them." Existential hurdles aside, any artist facing canonisation at mid-career can be forgiven for rebelling, or even for being restless. But issues of race, politics and religion are far more provocative when viewed through Ofili’s psychedelic glasses; we should hope he hasn't cast aside those lenses for good. “Chris Ofili” is on view at the Tate Britain through May 16th 2010.
Buyers were more deliberative and the artists were younger, but there were still plenty of sales and buzz at London's Frieze Art Fair ...
Artists seemed to have responded to recent times. Zero, a Milan gallery, had a completely empty white-walled stand except for a small painting by Victor Man of a hand and a puff of smoke. New York's Gavin Brown's Enterprises devoted its booth to canvases by Rirkrit Tiravanija that were covered in newspapers with the phrase “THE DAYS OF THIS SOCIETY IS NUMBERED” written in large colourful letters. Madrid's Galeria Helga de Alvear displayed a sculpture by Elmgreen and Dragset that evoked one of Giacometti's walking men, but this one dragged a ball and chain. “The Giacometti estate are making so many, we thought we'd join in,” joked Michael Elmgreen.
Collectors were certainly contemplative. During the boom, deals were done in the first few hours of the five-day fair. This time, prospective buyers tended to put works on reserve, promising to deliver their verdicts after sleeping on it for a few nights. A handful of fantastic museum shows were helpful in bringing in the out-of-towners. John Baldessari's super-cool retrospective at the Tate Modern, Ed Ruscha's sublime survey at the Hayward Gallery, Anish Kapoor's persuasive site-specific sculptures at the Royal Academy and Sophie Calle's grippingphotographic confessions at the Whitechapel Gallery made London the place to be this week, whether you were in the mood to buy or not. Amanda Sharp, co-owner of the fair, explains, “The original thesis behind the fair was that we could have a critical mass of activity in London in October. London has a great artist community and great institutions. We wanted the whole city to get behind it.” This momentum will no doubt see the fair through to more ebullient times.
Museum endorsements encourage sales. At the fair, a mountain painting by Ruscha sold for just over a $1m, and Kapoor wall pieces sold for somewhere just under. Baldessari, an influential proponent of Pop-Dada, has long been an “artist's artist” and is now a connoisseur's artist, but he’s never been an art market star. He was represented by a good range of work on several stands, including a large wall sculpture entitled “Beethoven's Trumpet (With Ear) Opus #133” (2007), which sold to a European collector for $400,000. Baldessari, who is 78 years old, used to tell his students, “You have to make the new work to sell the old work.” Now, the old work lends more depth and allure to the new.
Dealers adopted a wide range of stand strategies. Some brought works on paper by recognised artists, which made for a safe combination of name recognition and lower price points. Marianne Boesky, for example, sold out her display of 15 watercolours by Barnaby Furnas priced at under $35,000 a piece. Other dealers hung their stands sparsely with trophies that evoked the distinction of their gallery brand. Michael Werner Gallery, which was participating in Frieze for the first time this year, had a stand that included many works well above the fair's average price point, including a $2m Sigmar Polke. “We're feeling positive. We've met new collectors and curators. We've had good talks,” said Kadee Robbins, a Werner Gallery director.
On the whole, the art on display was smaller—mercifully there was scant evidence of the giganticism that had infected boom-time sculpture—and younger. Some established dealers, such as New York's Tanya Bonakdar, Anton Kern, and Andrew Kreps, had dropped out, while the fair's new entrants tended to represent rising artists. Moreover, Frieze had introduced a new section, called “Frame”, where fledgling dealers presented solo shows of young talent.
This year's inaugural Champagne Pommery award for the best curated stand went to Salon 94, a sophisticated New York gallery, which displayed, among other things, a large-scale “Flight Fantasy” installation by David Hammons, a legendary Harlem-based artist. The work consisted of human hair (one of his signature materials) and chandelier crystals on wires, which emerged from a warm red and gold patterned wall (pictured). The work was bought by Dimitris Daskalopoulos, a Greek collector, for over $1m. Mr Daskalopoulos already owns three small but exquisite works by Mr Hammons, which Londoners hope will be exhibited at the Whitechapel Gallery when his collection is shown there in 2010.
Senju Tsunade the Hokage Godaime
Tsunade typically has a tough attitude, even when facing great personal difficulty, and rarely is seen praising people. She readily criticizes others for their failures, as Naruto for his immaturity or Jiraiya for his perversion, though their habits are rarely better. However, Tsunade shows sympathy for others, consoling Shikamaru that while he failed in his mission to bring Sasuke to Konoha, all his companions survived. This is also shown when she worked hard to help heal Rock Lee, so he can continue to be a ninja. She wept when she learned of the death of Jiraiya, though not in public.
hen was first introduced, Tsunade was cynical about the dreams of people, especially those who wanted to become Hokage. After his encounter with Naruto, she realizes that cynicism is an insult to the dreams of Dan and Nawaki. She changes her attitude, and begins to believe faithfully in Naruto, later assuming the position of Hokage, carrying the dreams of Dan and Nawaki. As Hokage, Tsunade has shown the same level of loyalty to their village, as well as the Third Hokage, shown during ainvasão of Pain, where she used all her chakras in order to save the lives of thousands of people injured in the Konoha getting potentially life threatening. Tsunade also has a great deal of faith in the next generation of ninjas, and sees the potential for Naruto and the rest of the Konoha 11.
Tsunade betting money on games.
Naruto and B.
Tsunade is also a compulsory player, which has the disadvantage of having an unfortunate luck play. As a result, he was given the nickname "The Legendary sucker" (伝説 の カモ, Densetsu no Kamo) because of the large amount of money she only bet on games. In the rare instances that Tsunade hits a winning streak, she believes he is a bad omen, and bad things tend to happen to her or his comrades later. The symbol on the back of the jacket, 赌 (kake), meaning "game" or "bets" as the game is one of his favorite pastimes.
When she took it while Jiraiya was peeping at the hot springs, Tsunade broke two of his arms, six ribs and damaged several internal organs, as punishment for being perverted. Since then, Jiraiya has been very careful to suppress his perverted forms on Tsunade. Jiraiya mentions that this is one of the two times he has been close to death.
Tsunade has avoided all romantic advances of Jiraiya during most of the plot. While he was investigating Amegakure Pain, she gambled that he would die so terrible that his luck will ensure that it survives. When she discovers that he died, she thinks of their times together and cry for the loss of his good friend. Thus, making it the last living member of Team Hiruzen and Sannin.
Tsunade Shizune takes as an apprentice and relies too much on it. In fact, Shizune is one of the few people Tsunade trusts with absolute certainty. Tsunade also owns a pet pig, Tonton, she leaves mostly under the care of Shizune. Beneath it all, she is a woman who really loves his village and his people.
Tsunade wearing the typical dress of Konoha.
a youthful appearance through constant transformation technique. Despite having almost no breasts possessed as a child, she now has breasts considerable - 106 cm, according to Jiraiya. Her beauty has been pointed out several times and she was actually called one of the world's most beautiful kunoichi.
She has a purple diamond on her forehead, a meeting point of chakra known as the Yin Seal. Tsunade has light skin and brown eyes. She has broken in half and fringes that are next to face, all her hair is blond and tied in two ponytails strips using the same color of the seal on his forehead.
She often uses a grass-green coat with the kanji "game" (赌, kake) written in black on the back, inside a red circle. Underneath, she wears a gray sleeveless blouse kimono, held closed by a wide, obi-dark bluish gray that matches your pants. The blouse is simply closed down, revealing her cleavage considerably.
She wears open sandals with low heels and nail polish the same color pants and obi on both fingernails and toenails. She also wears a pink lipstick. He wore the collar of the First Hokage in clear view on the breasts before giving Naruto Uzumaki.
Tsunade is the granddaughter of the First Hokage and the grandniece of the Second Hokage, leading the other characters
Tsunade as a child.
call her "Princess" (姫, Hime). She is, along with Jiraiya and Orochimaru, a former student of the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi.Durante World War II Ninja, Tsunade and her former teammates fought comHanzō, which gave them the title "Legendary Three Ninja" (伝説 の 三 忍, Densetsu no Sannin) as a reward for having survived a battle against him. On his way back to Konoha, they found the orphans Amegakure who chose Jiraiya to train. During the war, she became famous for its healing abilities and knowledge about poison, and greater intelligence in this area than Chiyo, Chiyo's leading and despise la.Além addition, according to Jiraiya, Tsunade was the reason why Konoha win guerra.Em at some point in history, on the twelfth anniversary of his brother, Tsunade gave him a crystal necklace from her grandfather, hoping that would help him achieve his dream of becoming Hokage. The next day, he died as a victim of war, where the necklace returned to Tsunade's possession. Some time later, Tsunade fell in love with a man named Dan Kato, who also wanted to become Hokage. As a sign of his affection, and hoping that would help make their dreams come true, Tsunade gave him the same necklace. Dan also had a bloody death during the course of the war, where Tsunade got her necklace back. After the death of Dan, especially, Tsunade developed a Hematofobia, which reduced their strength in battle, causing her to stay away for long battles.
Search for Tsunade
After his failed invasion of Konoha, Tsunade Orochimaru sought. Finding her, he asked a favor, but before he could specify what this was for, she refused, having already noticed his wounded arms. Trying again, Orochimaru asked him to heal his arms, explaining that the injury was the result of his negligence when he tried to kill the Third Hokage. Shocked by this revelation, Tsunade was prepared to kill Orochimaru, but he once again intervened offering resurrecting her most beloved people: Dan and Nawaki. Interested in this offer, Tsunade held, and got a week to decidir.Logo later, Tsunade was approached by Jiraiya and Naruto Uzumaki, who wanted her to become the next Hokage. After refusing the offer and ridiculing the position of Hokage, Naruto Tsunade challenged to a fight, enraged that someone would disrespect the title of Hokage. Tsunade accepts and won
Naruto Tsunade challenged to a fight.
ease, although he had witnessed an attempt to use oRasengan Naruto. Intrigued, Tsunade made a bet with Naruto to master the jutsu in a week, if he won, he would receive the collar of the first Hokage, and Naruto does not master the Rasengan in a week, Tsunade would receive all the money he was carrying. Naruto accepted the bet, and resumed his training. Throughout the week, Tsunade kept a watchful eye on the progress of Naruto, and all the allotted time given by Orochimaru. As the weeks passed, and Naruto seems to have failed to master the jutsu, Tsunade was Orochimaru find, after drugging Jiraiya and Shizune reach so they do not interrupt his plans. After meeting with Orochimaru, Tsunade requested that he not destroy Konoha when his arms were healed. Agreed Orochimaru, and Tsunade is prepared to cure him, but was stopped by the assistant Orochimaru, Kabuto Yakushi. Kabuto, being also a medical ninja, was able to note the intention to kill Tsunade's healing jutsu and as such, I knew she really meant to kill Orochimaru. After that, Tsunade revealed that Orochimaru knew he lied by saying he would leave Konoha in peace, and that he would not bring Dan and Nawaki back to life. As she tried to forget this fact over the years, the determination of Naruto and his desire to be Hokage reminded of his dreams, and she decided to do whatever was necessary to protect those dreams. Thus, sunade attacked Orochimaru, Kabuto but struggled with her instead of his master. With all the scams data, Kabuto began to realize that she was completely overcome, and decided to use his fear of blood to his advantage by cutting his wrists
Defedendo Naruto Tsunade with her own body.
Tsunade the Hokage hat.
Rescue Sasuke
Soon after arriving in Konoha to take their place as Hokage, Tsunade healed the wounds inflicted by mental Uchiha Itachi's Tsukuyomi on Kakashi Hatake and Sasuke Uchiha. She also made a dire prediction about the condition of Rock Lee She said the only procedure that could allow him to return to work as a ninja, it was one that only she was able to accomplish, and he only had a fifty percent chance of success if you can not then prove to be fatal to Lee
When Sasuke ran away from the village so he could go to Orochimaru, Tsunade was forced to send a group of Genin to try to stop and retrieve it. She also used the alliance between Konoha regained Sunagakurepara to ask a favor of reinforcements, hoping to give the recovery team support that mission. Despite their efforts, the group ultimately failed, and Tsunade helped cure their fatal injuries by bringing them back to full health. In continuation of betrayal of Sasuke, Sakura Haruno asked to become Tsunade's apprentice, where Tsunade gladly accepted.
After the return of Naruto to Konoha after his training time, the elders of the village and Tsunade questioned the decision to allow Naruto would leave on missions while the Akatsuki tried to capture him.
The face of the monument of the Hokage Tsunade.
As such, the elders forced Tsunade to allow one of the men of Danzo Shimura, a fierce opponent of the Third Hokage, to be grouped with Naruto. Not trusting Danzou, Tsunade gave Naruto Yamato to accompany, and not allow him to become the Kyubi, and to keep an eye on the agent Danzo.
Hidan and Kakuzu
Later, when two Akatsuki members, Hidan and Kakuzu, entered noPaís Fire, Tsunade Niju Shōtai mobilized to search for and, if possible, capture the Akatsuki duo. Despite the capture was not possible, members of the Akatsuki were defeated. Tsunade then performed an autopsy on the body of Kakuzu, and realized that most of the new jutsu Naruto Futon: Rasen Shuriken, it was too dangerous for use, based on damage to the body of Kakuzu and Naruto's arm. She explained that the attack had reached a very high level, causing extensive damage to both of them, and sadly said Kakashi and Yamato to not let Naruto uses this jutsu again.
In the anime, after finishing his autopsy on Kakuzu, Tsunade received a report of a captain of ANBUfalecido about the whereabouts of Orochimaru and Sasuke. She put in charge of Team Kakashi 8 to investigate the whereabouts. As the mission involved a chance to find Sasuke, Naruto Tsunade tried to keep on without discovering it. He found himself, then Tsunade did not hesitate to send it, along with Time Kakahsi as an aid.
Later, Tsunade received the news that Team Kakashi and Team 8 had found Sanbi. She decided that they needed to capture the animal quickly, not to let it fall into enemy hands, Tsunade ordenouTenten, Rock Lee, Ino Yamanaka and Shizune to help the other teams in the sealing of the beast. She also decided to call and send Katsuyu for further assistance in sealing. When they sent forces continued to have problems with the seal, Tsunade called them back to Konoha, ANBU and sent some to replace them. After she lost contact with the Konoha Anbu and the disappearance of the Three-Tails, Tsunade suspects that the Akatsuki was involved in the disappearance.
The Prophecy of Jiraiya
After learning that Sasuke killed Orochimaru, Tsunade calls Naruto and Sakura to inform them about the incident. So, it formed a squad to go after Sasuke knowing his goal to kill Itachi Uchiha.
Kinjusu Clan Tsuchigumo
In the anime, a message arrives in Konoha that forbidden jutsu of the clan Tsuchigumo estsva under enemy attack. With Team Kakashi and Team 8 are closer to the local Kinjutsu, Katsuyu Tsunade sent to inform them of their mission to help the clan Tsuchigumo in accordance with the peace treaty that the Third Hokage made with them. Tsunade then receives the news that the teams have considered destroying the clan jutsu to stop the possible dangers that can cause.
Invasion of Pain
When news of the death of Jiraiya arrives in Konoha, Tsunade is the top priority of the village for the examination of clues left by Jiraiya about the identity of Pain. As she leaves this responsibility under this
Tsunade crying for the death of Jiraiya.
deShizune, Ibiki and Shikamaru, Tsunade goes to a secret place to cry for his old friend. Naruto, as affected by the death of Jiraiya and Tsunade, he retired to train, both knowing that he was the next target of Pain. When the invasion began Pain, Tsunade calling Naruto tried to help the village. But she was interrupted by the Board of Konoha, who feared his capture by Akatsuki. However, Tsunade insisted that they had faith in Naruto, along with the rest of the next generation, and it happened. Tsunade began issuing orders to defend the village, putting extra protection around those who were unveiling the secret of Pain. She invoked Katsuyu, and divided to get every resident who could protect and heal automatically. While sitting in the middle of a seal kept by the ANBU, she transferred her chakra to Katsuyu. Tsunade then found peloCaminho of God, whom she recognized as one of the orphans that Jiraiya trained in the past. Tsunade refused to say where it was Naruto, proclaiming that the Akatsuki was just a terrorist group. When discovered the location of Pain Naruto by other means, God's way Tsunade decided to see the true goals of Akatsuki. Then the Deva Path destroys the village. Within minutes the destruction began and ended, Tsunade used all his chakra Katsuyu in order to keep the inhabitants safe. Subsequently, she had to face Pain single-handedly tried to
Tsunade in its weakened form.
kill it with your Path of Demons. But he was interrupted by Naruto, who said he would personally deal with Pain. Having used most of his chakra, Tsunade's how old resurfaced, then it goes into a deep coma and do not see the defeat of Pain in Naruto.
Confinement of Jinchūrikis
Three days later, Tsunade goes to Kumogakure to meet with other leaders of the Alliance. She is warmly welcomed by the Fifth Mizukage, while the Third Tsuchikage suggests she retire so she can complete her recovery. When you start work, Tsunade discovers that others decided to send Kage Killer B and Naruto into hiding to keep them safe from the Akatsuki. Tsunade argues against this, believing that jinchūrikis should be used in war. The other Kage insist that they should think about putting the risk jinchūrikis put at risk and all countries. She agrees with the decision and later helped organize the sets of hosts, placing particular interest in the Physician Time and Time Information.
World War Ninja
Tsunade is the headquarters of the Alliance with Tsuchikage and Raikage room, giving a contribution when
Tsunade side of Naruto and Killer B against A.
When the news that Naruto and Killer B escaped from his confinement reaches the seat, the Raikage asks Tsunade to help you deal with them. She invokes the Katsuyu and leave them at headquarters, with a mini-Katsuyu with her so that she and Raikage can stay updated on all urgent issues. When they intersect B and Naruto, Tsunade is surprised by Naruto under the control of Kyubi chakra. Naruto asks Tsunade to leave him and go, but she informs him that she can not show him special treatment and should do what is best for the Alliance. Naruto tries to escape but is stopped by the Raikage, expressing their willingness to kill Naruto and not to B. Tsunade, however, tells him she's going to do this. Tsunade remembers the words of Naruto, and says that even if Naruto dies Kyuubi and take the time to revive, they could not find a Jinchuriki as powerful as Naruto and is unlikely to who will win the war, then they need to attack with full force and finally tells Naruto to let go, turning against the instructions of A. When it seems that A is not influenced, Tsunade wants to fight him, but then she realizes that the testing was just Naruto. So Naruto and B pass.
She and others are informed that all battlefields prospered with the arrival of Naruto's clones. Tsunade smiles to A and then Shikaku says they changed the battle situation, and that they were now with the advantage. After receiving information that Madara had been resurrected, the ninja headquarters discussing why the masked man assumed the identity of "Madara", and Tsunade says that Madara is much more than a name, the name itself is power, and scary just hearing. Later, after feeling a tremor, and hear a report Inoichi, a meteorite that was released about them, says the many ninjas were killed, and Tsunade is determined to go to the battlefield.
Convinced go to the front line, Tsunade says to prepare the tense Mabui no Jutsu to send it to the battlefield. Mabui refuses, saying that the technique is not for living organisms, and states that oTerceiro Raikage was and is the only one able to resist this technique. Katsuyu says to send it, even if it is split, it will not die, but Tsunade says it is not necessary, and would use "this", pointing to his forehead.
The Tsunade and arrive on the battlefield.
The five Kage together to face Madara.
of Gaarae Ōnoki and asks to save time and A Mei. So Naruto is worried for her, asking if she would turn an old, by using the technique Sozo Saisei, like what happened in the invasion of Pain. But Tsunade responds to him, will not be, since that time, she only stayed there because it was on a large scale, and this time was only to cure their injuries, which were not very serious. Then the clone Naruto asks to be healed, so he can join the battle, but Tsunade says no need for it, then Ōnoki explains to Naruto that the war was not only to protect him. After being completely cured, and Gaara Ōnoki go into battle, and can defend an attack Madara. When Madara is overthrown by a combined attack of Kage, Naruto says that this was the opportunity to Tsunade to heal him, but Ōnoki says that battle was not to fight Naruto. Tsunade tells Naruto that they will only win if they can beat the old and new Madara, and they defend Naruto
Tsunade, along with the other Kage yell win.
raised against Madara, and Naruto would have to defend them against Tobi. Then Tsunade says it only has one word for Naruto, so she and the other Kage shout "win."
As Madara regenerates, he asks Tsunade if she is a descendant of Hashirama. After confirming it, he declares that it would be the first to die. When Mei says that the first medical ninja attack
Tsunade demonstrates her will of fire.
in a team is a common tactic that they would never allow, Madaradiz them that it was not because she was a medical ninja, but because she is a descendant of Hashirama. Then she considers the Madara down from his grandfather, who could also use medical techniques. After Madara Hashirama reporting skills with medical ninjutsu, saying that Tsunade is nothing compared to him, Tsunade says that even if she is a descendant of Hashirama could not use Mokuton, and admits that her medical ninjutsu little compared with the his grandfather, whose techniques he did not require hand seals, she states that Madara is wrong to think she is a weak woman. She states that she had inherited from his grandfather and skills only blood, but the thing is the real strength of it, the will of fire.
When she complains of the allegations of Madara, she explains to her the four rules that she did for her students
A Ōnoki attack Tsunade and Madara.
and doctors, saying that the only person who could break the rules who was awakened in the Byakugō Jutsu, then, as she dispertou, she could engage in battle. With
Therefore, it activates your Byakugō no Jutsu, and directly confronts Madara, with just one punch it does break
Susanoo's ribs. To fight back, Madara uses Katon: Gōka Messhitsu, but the technique is intercepted by Suiton: Suijinchū Mei and then plays Madara away with Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu. With this, A, and Tsunade Ōnoki preparing an attack that sends falling Madara. Madara realizes the strength of Tsunade, who says on the farm will, while Madara said that the only thing he left was his power, compared with Izuna Uchiha.
Attacking again, Tsunade is able to perform a powerful attack right into Madara, which destroys its
Tsunade attacks Madara.
entire right side. Apparently incapacitated. Gaara uses his sand to arrest and "seal" it.